It's Wednesday..... not just Wednesday but Wet Soap Wednesday! (Well it was Wednesday when I started this post but now it is Friday. But just the same it is Wet soap and we will show it anyway.) Time gets by me with working a full time job and running a business, social media pages, websites, making product, shipping products out ect. This is a small business, I am it, for now. But give me time I am hoping to grow and hire others to fill some of the spots I currently do myself. Anyway on with the blog. 

It's Friday....not just Friday but Wet Soap Friday!

What that means is in the soaping world, we like to show shots of our "wet" soap. Wet soap is just poured soap, before it has set and started its process of saponification.  Saponification is a process of converting esters into soaps and alcohols by the action of aqueous alkali (for example, aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions). Soaps are salts of fatty acids, which in turn are carboxylic acids with long carbon chains. Sodium stearate is a typical soap. In other words, saponifications is a chemical reaction that occurs between the lye and the fats (oils, butters and tallow) to produce soap.  When this happens  the soap begins to heat up and take on a duller appearance. Once this happens the colors can change and will often dull down a lot. Soap is at its most brilliant stage when it is just poured. 

Once poured the soap usually sits for 18 to 24 hours to complete the saponification process. At this point the lye in the soap should have converted all the oils into soap and the process should be complete. At this point the soap can be removed and taken out of the mold and then cut. Watch for a post on cutting soap.

This soap is Phoenix Fire. This will be on sale in the shop the week of May 7th as there is a cure time before it is ready for sale.