Building a business, while working a full time job is not an easy task.  However it can be done. You will need support from whomever will give it to you and if you have money to hire help, that would be easier as well. 

I find that I spend everyday working the business. I am not complaining, not at all. This post is about the what to expect if you want to build a business the way I have. A hobby gone wild and turned into a business....or I will just sell some of my stuff with no real intent of making a business of it and then suddenly finding that you've changed your mind and want to make a real business out of it.

I did not start this business conventionally like others do, with a business plan and start up money. And to top it off, I am in an ocean with 3 million other people, all selling the same sort of product. So you have to find ways to set yourself apart from the rest or figure out how to be the best . OR like I choose to do, just make your product, make it quality, make it the way you love it and hope that others will love it as much as you do and find ways to bring customers to it and know if your good enough you will survive in the ocean of so many. 

I am the researcher, producer, packager, designer of labels, marketer, book keeper, shipper and now blogger and everything inbetween. There are no other employees at this time unless you count my husband who when I am on a melt down of time will help me drop soap into shrink wraps or drop a package at the post office or load and unload the car on those rare occasions I do a live market sale. Oh yes, he does a lot of the tallow production at this time as well. That is such a huge help as we render our own tallow from local producers. He is my supporter. 

We are entering our fourth year in business this summer and I am ready to try and expand a bit more. This is going to be somewhat of a challenge as I am working later in the day at my day job and this leaves me only the weekends to produce products. I have had to try and re-learn how to operate and manage the business but we are ready to go. Stay tuned in with us and I will do my best to post weekly on all the goings on.