On the first summer market day in Superior, the event was an absolute success with many people in attendance. The weather was warm even though it was overcast, which made it comfortable for walking around the market. There were several vendors selling various products, from vegetable plants to handmade crafts. There were cotton candy and snow cones! One of the local farms had fresh baked bread, tempting many to come down and check the market out. Live music was the only thing missing. The market created a sense of community, and it was a great opportunity for people to meet and catch up with friends and neighbors. Overall, the first summer market day in Superior was a delightful success and set the stage for many more to come. 

 The sense of community is a powerful force that brings people together. It is especially evident in small communities where people tend to know each other well. One such community is ours, Superior. We have a small town of only 800 people at the last census.  People from all walks of life gather at the Saturday market to buy fresh produce and other goods. They come to catch up with friends and neighbors, share stories and laughter, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. The market is a place where everyone feels at home. They know the vendors, some have been coming for as many years as the market has been. Milton with his plants and later his vegetables, Glenda with some baking, Rebecca with her flowers and so many others. These are our neighbors, friends and the small businesses.  It doesn't matter if you're a regular or a first-time visitor, there's always a warm welcome waiting for you. The vendors are friendly and knowledgeable, happy to answer any questions you may have about their products. They take pride in their work and are passionate about what they do. As you walk through the market, you'll notice that people are chatting, laughing, and having a good time. It's hard not to get caught up in the energy and excitement of the place. You'll see families with young children, couples out for a morning stroll, and seniors catching up with old friends. It's a true melting pot of the community. In a world where technology often isolates us from each other, the market is a refreshing reminder of the importance of human connection. It's a place where people come together to share in something as simple as a piece of fruit or a loaf of bread. It's a place where everyone is welcome, and everyone belongs. 

 I was greeted warmly by familiar faces I hadn't seen in a long time, and welcomed in by new ones as well. It was a reminder of the strong sense of community that exists in our town, and how important it is to come together and celebrate our shared traditions. Even though I had forgotten about the Saturday market, it was clear that many others had not, and I felt lucky to be a part of it once again. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be there. Overall, my experience at the Saturday market was a reminder of the importance of tradition, community, and connection. I look forward to attending again in the future and continuing to be a part of this wonderful tradition